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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

H.B. Thompson Middle School Shows Support

A 7th grader at H.B Thompson Middle School, Nick Portugal, was diagnosed with leukemia just this past December 10. Other students that attend the middle school were so inspired to help Nick that they made orange bracelets with the phrase "No one fights alone" on them and sold them to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. However, 20 faculty and administrators took it another step further and have been growing out their beards for two months to support Nick, who is currently undergoing chemotherapy threatment. He hasn't been to school since he received the diagnosis. Additionally, students paid $1 to vote (and could vote as much as they wanted as long as they paid the $1) on which beard was the craziest, best, worst, ugliest, and funniest.

Kevin Bonanno, the Assistant Principle, said that the students and faculty have raised $2,500 so far between the sales and the votes. Bonanno said "I thought this would be a good staff bonding opportunity and at the same time we could raise money for a cause close to our hearts, we also take a picture of us all every Monday to see how funny we look".

Jimmy Orioli, and 8th grader who attends the school said of selling the bracelets and wearing them "If this is what we can do to show Nick he’s not alone, this is what we’re going to do.".

We wish Nick a speedy recovery. 

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