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Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

The L.I. Lohan Mansion In Foreclosure

Today Chase Bank had a process server put a legal notice on the front door of Dina Lohan's mansion in Merrick, Long Island. Lindsay has been staying at the house on and off since she lost her rental property in Beverly Hills because she could no longer afford to make the payments. Dina has been struggling to keep the house for sometime, and she almost lost it back in 2005, but back then Lindsay had more money and she bailed her mother out with $40,000. You might remember, it led to the mother-daughter duo getting into a blowout fight where Lindsay called her father and ranted that her mother was high on cocaine. Apparently financial problems riddle the Lohan family, as Lindsay's father Michael owes over $200,000 to the IRS. The property in Merrick is worth $1.3 million, and this could be the end of Lohan ownership unless Lindsay pulls through with a miracle.

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