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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rihanna Escorts Chris Brown To Court

Chris Brown had to appear before a Los Angeles County Judge today and The Los Angeles Times is now reporting that Rihanna was right there in the front row showing support for the rapper alongside Brown's mother.  The judge has decided to keep from on probation following allegations that he falsified his community service documents, and that he didn't really complete all 180 days that he was ordered to do. The D.A. said of the paperwork submitted about his community service, they found there to be "significant discrepancies indicating at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting." 

Today, Judge James Brandlin ordered that Brown see his probation officer within 48 hours, and he also must have the necessary documentation proving that he completed his community service. Brown is due back in court April 5th for a follow up hearing regarding the community service hours in question.

So, it looks like Rihanna is sticking by Breezy through his tumultuous court appearances. The last time she was in court with the rapper was back in 2009 when he was handed his sentence for beating her up.

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