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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chris Brown Faked Community Service

The Los Angeles County District Attorney has filed papers alleging that Chris Brown violated his probation my submitting falsified community service records. The D.A. is claiming that Brown was lying when he said he completed his 180 days of community service that he was ordered to do after his 2009 assault on Rihanna. The D.A. is demanding that more paperwork be filed to prove that the rapper actually did his 1,400 hours of community service. Apparently, the Chief of Police in Richmond, VA said that Brown completed various jobs at Tappahannock Children's Center, but that he personally only supervised Brown on 9-10 occasions, and as for the other dates, well they weren't supervised at all. TMZ is reporting that a source said it wouldn't have been possible for Brown to complete all his hours because he was out of the country performing. 

Brown will have to appear back in court on February 6th at which point he'll have to update the judge on his progress. As of right now Brown is not in violation of probation, but he'll have to fix this quick to stay out of trouble.

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