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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Taylor Swift Gets Bad Press?!?

Have you heard about the fan-mail scandal involving Taylor Swift? Apparently hundreds of letters that were personalized by devout Taylor Swift fans, handcrafted with hearts poured out into em, were found in a garbage in Nashville. Of course the singer claims that it was all just a terrible accident, her fans aren't exactly buying the excuse. Her fans have been harsh, not sure if you've had a chance to read some of the comments on some stories about it, but here's a glimpse, one fan said "They were purposely thrown out. And she knew about [it], I'm sure this little faker/phoney doesn't give a hoot about the kids who write the letters." Well, that was pretty mean to say the least. We're sure taylor will bounce back but at the moment, between this and the whole Tiny Fey/Amy Poehler beef (girl has got to learn how to take a joke, there are wore things in the world, and honestly should a person really be damned to hell over a joke?), things aren't as bright and rainbow and butterfly-ish and they usually are in a world where Taylor Swift could do no wrong - that is until now.

Will you forgive Taylor anytime soon? 

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