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Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lohan Reaches Plea Deal

After Lohan arrived over 45 minutes late to court this morning, but all ended pretty well for the actress - she will not be going to trial (we can't even begin to imagine how that would have went). However, Lohan's deal states that she will spend 90 days in a lock-down rehab facility (this simply means Lohan can't leave the building for any reason, she must be there at all times) and 18 months of psychological counseling. Reports say that Lohan seemed pretty somber when Judge James Dabney explained the terms of the plea bargain, the actress had no make-up, her hair was dirty, and she looked like she had been crying. Additionally the Judge ruled that she violated her probation and will have to serve 5 days in jail, as well as 30 days of community service. Lohan has to appear at the Santa Monica Police Department within 7 days so that she can be booked - another Lohan mugshot means nobody else loses! However, most likely Lohan's stay in jail will only be hours due to overcrowding.

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