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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Update: Chris Brown Vs. Frank Ocean

This story has been full of dramatic twists and turns, and there is yet another one.  TMZ is reporting that Frank Ocean told police officers that he was called a faggot during his fight with Chris Brown.  Ocean said that he unsure who used the disrespectful term towards him, but it was definitely said.  TMZ has the document that details the brawl and Ocean also claims that Brown threatened to shoot him at one point during the argument - which in case you all forgot was over a parking spot that belonged to Ocean that Brown reportedly parked in.

In the past Brown was accused to beating up a fan along with calling the man a faggot, he denied using the term.  Also, when asked about Frank Ocean's sexual preference by a paparazzi Brown apparently said "man, no homo". Brown denied this as well and eventually posted this to his Twitter account "My Opinion on the whole Frank Ocean subject is ......... Love who u wanna love. It's ur decision. People stop searching for BS."

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