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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Justin Bieber Vs. Patrick Carney Continues

When Patrick Carney was asked at the Grammy Awards if Justin Bieber should feel bad about not getting nominated for a single Grammy Award the Black Keys drummer said something about the awards being about music and not about money, and that Justin should be happy because he is making plenty of money. Well, Justin didn't take that too well, and he tweeted that "the black keys drummer should be slapped around haha". So, the fight only escalated after that. Patrick Carney waged an all out Twitter assault on Justin Bieber. He changed his twitter name to Justin Bieber 2.0 and put up a picture of Justin in hipster glasses like the ones he wears, and he started using Justin's term swag as much as possible. He also re-tweeted Justin's fans which often had them misspelling things. Today though Carney went back to his own name and picture and tweeted "Justin is gone now. DNA recombo unsuccessful. I will try again soon though!"

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