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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Bad Begins For Lance

Lance Armstrong recently admitted to Oprah that he knowingly used performance enhancing drugs. Now a week after the 7 time Tour de France winner let the truth set him free he is being sued over the two books he wrote. Two readers of his books are filing a class action lawsuit stating that they bought the books under the pretense that they were honest works of nonfiction.  The two defendants state that in the books Armstrong continuously says that he never used performance enhancing drugs.

This is most likely just the beginning for Armstrong.  The companies that supplied his old endorsement deals will likely be wanting their money back from the disgraced spokesman, and even groups that paid for Armstrong to speak will be seeking their money back.  Armstrong once demanded up to $200,000 to speak at a function.  The 41-year-old could even face perjury charges since he lied in court about his use of performance enhancing drugs.

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