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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Demi Lovato Did X Factor Too Soon Post Rehab

Demi Lovato was the youngest ever to be a judge on "The X Factor" and she was also one of the best on the scene. Season 2 of the show premiered in September when Lovato was fresh out of rehab for her troubles with bulimia and self-harm. In a recent interview with Cosmo On Campus the singer says that in an ideal world she would have waited at least a year to go back to work. Lovato said ""I dived into
 work really quickly and maybe that wasn't the best idea at the time, but the place I am in today is so much better than I could have ever imagined, so I'm really glad."Lovato said that she was 12 or 13 when her issues with bulimia started, but she added that at that time nobody in show business really spoke about their body issues.  Lovato said that now her goal is to talk about her problem so that she can help out other girls who may be going through the same sort of things and maybe give them strength to deal with it. 

Lovato also talked about how she would sabotage the relationships she was in because she had little confidence and low self-esteem. She said: "It is very unhealthy when girls devote all of their time to a guy and forget their friends and family.

We should all give Lovato some love, she is trying to spread a positive message after all.  

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